Soft-Shell Crab and Double-Skinned Crab - A Closer Look at Shell Characteristics and Molting Stages - How to Compare?

Explore the world of crabs with a quick guide to the distinctions between Soft-Shell Crabs and Double-Skinned Crab. From molting stages to flavor profiles, uncover the unique traits that make each crab a culinary gem. Join us for a swift journey into the textures and tastes that differentiate these seafood delights.


12/30/20232 min read

soft-shell crabs
soft-shell crabs

Number of Shells:

Soft-shell crabs, as the name suggests, have only one soft, pliable shell during their molting stage.

The softness of their shell is attributed to the shedding process they undergo as they outgrow their old, hard exoskeleton.

Molting Stage:

Soft-shell crabs are caught immediately after molting when their shell is still soft and edible.The molting process takes place when the crab has outgrown its current shell, and it sheds the old exoskeleton to accommodate its growth.

Texture and Culinary Use:

The soft shell of these crabs makes them suitable for consuming the entire crab, including the shell, which is crisp and tender when cooked.

Soft-shell crabs are commonly used in dishes like sandwiches, salads, and various fried or grilled preparations.

Soft-Shell Crab:

Double-Skinned Crab:

Number of Shells:

Double-skinned crabs have two distinct layers of shells: the outer hard shell and the inner soft shell formed during the molting process.

The outer shell becomes brittle as the crab approaches molting, allowing for easier removal.

Molting Stage:

Double-skinned crabs are caught after they have shed the outer hard shell, revealing the soft inner shell.

This shedding occurs as the crab matures and prepares for the next stage of its life cycle.

Texture and Culinary Use:

The soft inner shell of double-skinned crabs, along with the outer brittle shell, provides a unique texture and flavor.

Double-skinned crabs are versatile in the kitchen, suitable for grilling, boiling, steaming, or frying, offering a range of culinary possibilities.

soft-shell crabs
soft-shell crabs
double skinned crabs
double skinned crabs
double skinned crabs
double skinned crabs

While soft-shell crabs have a single soft shell immediately after molting, double-skinned crabs present a distinctive combination of an outer hard shell and a tender inner shell, contributing to their culinary appeal. The choice between the two depends on the desired texture and the culinary application.