Organic Seafood Choice: A Comprehensive Guide

Master the art of choosing fresh seafood with our guide and meet your seafood needs with Seamorny, the trusted supplier in Vietnam. Elevate your culinary journey with quality catches guided by expertise. 🦐🌊 #FreshSeafood #SeamornyQuality


2/23/20242 min read

orange and white fish on white and black pebbles
orange and white fish on white and black pebbles

1- Eyes Wide Open, Trust Your Instincts

When it comes to choosing fresh seafood, it's important to trust your instincts and use your senses. Start by looking at the seafood with your eyes wide open. Take a close look at the fish or shellfish to ensure that it appears fresh and in good condition. Trust your instincts and if something doesn't seem right, it's best to move on and find another option.

2- Country of Origin

One important factor to consider when choosing seafood is the country of origin. Different countries have different regulations and standards when it comes to seafood production. Some countries have stricter regulations and better quality control measures in place. It's generally a good idea to choose seafood that comes from countries with a good reputation for seafood production.

3- Color Check

The color of the seafood can also provide important clues about its freshness. For example, fresh fish should have bright, clear eyes and vibrant, shiny skin. The flesh should be firm and the color should be vibrant. Avoid seafood that has dull or discolored flesh, as it may be a sign of spoilage.

4- Tail and Tentacles

When choosing whole fish, pay attention to the tail and tentacles. The tail should be intact and not dried out or discolored. The tentacles should be firm and not slimy. These are indicators of freshness and can help you make an informed decision.

5- Shellfish Clues

If you're choosing shellfish, there are a few additional clues to look out for. Fresh shellfish should have tightly closed shells or shells that close when tapped. Avoid shellfish with cracked or open shells, as this may indicate that the shellfish is dead or spoiled. Additionally, the shells should be clean and free from any algae or barnacles.

6- Skin and Scales

For fish with skin and scales, take a close look at the skin and scales. The skin should be shiny and the scales should be intact and tightly adhered to the fish. Avoid fish with dull or discolored skin, as well as fish with loose or missing scales, as these can be signs of spoilage.

7- Aroma Test

The aroma of seafood can be a good indicator of its freshness. Fresh seafood should have a pleasant, briny smell, reminiscent of the ocean. Avoid seafood with a strong, fishy odor or any off-putting smells, as this may indicate that the seafood is not fresh.

8- Check the Gills

When choosing whole fish, take a look at the gills. The gills should be bright red or pink in color and free from any slime or discoloration. Avoid fish with dull or brownish gills, as this can be a sign that the fish is not fresh.

9- Firmness Matters

Firmness is another important factor to consider when choosing seafood. Fresh seafood should feel firm to the touch and bounce back when pressed lightly. Avoid seafood that feels soft or mushy, as this can be a sign of spoilage.

10- Eyes Wide Open

Finally, always keep your eyes wide open and be aware of any warning signs. If the seafood is being stored improperly, if the vendor doesn't seem knowledgeable or if the overall cleanliness of the market or store is questionable, it's best to find another place to purchase your seafood.

Choosing fresh seafood is essential for both taste and safety. By using your senses and following these guidelines, you can ensure that you're selecting the best seafood available. So, the next time you're at the seafood counter or fish market, keep your eyes wide open and trust your instincts to make the best choice.